Hydrogen Water Generator Bottle SPE PEM Technology Machine - H2 Inhalation

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Attribute: W13050417


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Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology from DuPont® (USA)

State ofthe art Solid Polymer Electrolysis (SPE) technology

Works with all types ofdrinking water including Distilled and RO

Separates and expels harmful by-products of Chlorine, Ozone and Oxides

Produces the highest industry levels ofmolecular Hydrogen concentrates

Have the safest high quality Platinum coated Titanium Electrode Plates

Best portable generators in the industry

No filters or any expensive parts to replace

Quick Start Guide

Set Up:

Wash glass/plastic bottle and lid with warm water.Removebottlefromgenerator


Twist plastic plugoffontheelectrodeplate.

Twist glass/plasticbottle on to generator.

Cap bottle with lid and insert USB cable into USB Port.Insert other cable end to

power plug and plug it into outlet.

Charge Unit for 2-3 hours until green light turn on then take off charger.

With bottle attached rinse out Generator with warm water.

Fill bottle up to below threads with clean drinking water.

Operate generator to make hydrogen-rich water.

To Operate:

1. Press power button. The working indicator light will turn blue, making hydrogen-rich

waterfor 3 minutes. Pressing the button for twice quickly in a raw will turn the working

mode to be 10minutes. Pressing button when unit is working will turn power off.

2.After a 3 or 10 minutes cycle the working indicator light will turn off, completing process.

Forhigher concentration of H2, use the 10 minute cycle.

3. You can drink the hydrogen-rich water directly out of the bottle or pour it into

anothercontainer. It is best to drink water within one hour. Hydrogen will dissipate over time.

4. Self-cleaning: Keep pressing the switch button for three seconds, the working indicator

lightturn green,the positive and negative electrodes will be swapped and the machine will

enter theautomatic self-cleaning mode.

5. Charging: lf the working indicator light flashes blue, this means the battery power is low and

needsto be charged. Plug the USB power adapter (Mobile phone charges) into the wall and plug

the USBpower cable into the adapter,the indicator light on the power button turn red when it is

charging.Thecharging micro USB charging port is located underneath the rubber cover on the

generator base. Whencharging is complete, make certain the rubber cover is inserted into the

micro USB port, This willkeep water from entering the base and electronics. When charging is

complete, the red indicator lightwill turn green.

The battery has an expected life of 500 charges. Keeping your machine plugged in all

dayduring use may prematurely cause your battery to fail sooner. It is ok to finish cycling to

operatewhile charging if your battery dies during operation, but do not use again until battery

fullycharges and light stops blinking. Do Not Keep Plugged In.

6. Inhaler usage: Remove the rubber protector ,then open the rubber cover on the cap, attach

theCannula breathing tube to the Cap-Lid by slipping the Cannula tubing end with the open

endonto the snorkel valve protruding in the center of cap. Fill machine bottle % of the way full

ofwater and screw on cap to the top of the bottle with the Cannula breathing tube attached.

Place the loop end of the Cannula tube over your head and the two breathing prongs into

eachnostril and adjust the slack-bead behind neck to be snug against the back of your

head.Install the rubber protector onto its origin port after hydrogen inhalation.

Daily Use:

Never leave plugged in while using during the day. Always discharge thebattery some

or all before recharging.

For maximum benefit drink 4 - 5 bottles or more per day.

Use any clean purified water when possible to keep plates clean.

Never let the Generator dry out and leave a little water to keep the electrodeplate


Do self-cleaning one time every week. Self-cleaning water can not drink,just pour



Never operate Generator without water in the bottle.

Keep USB Port sealed by plugging its cover back in.

Operate only with any type of clean drinking water.

Not for use with hot, carbonated or other beverages.

Always keep Generator Plate Well wet and never store dry.

Unit will stop charging when LED lights turn green.

Do not place Generator unit in a refrigerator or cooler.

Do not soak or submerge Generator Unit under water.

Operate only for the water you will drink in one hour.

Avoid direct sunlight or heat that can dry out the plates.

Use room temperature water. Never freeze or use ice.

Never use any chemical cleaners on Generator unit.

Keep away from children, Pets, Heat and Flames.

Do not pull cable from wire or plug with wet hands.

Occasional Descaling Maintenance:

Depending on the mineral oxide content in your drinking water, clean

theelectrolysis plates by descaling once or twice a month. To descale simply add

1part either white vinegar, lemon juice or citric acid to 3 parts water into the

bottleand leave generator soaking in mix overnight.Dump and rinse thoroughly

with warm water before using the next day.

Disclaimer: These Products have not been evaluated and are notintended to

diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Seek medicaladvice if seriously ill

and or attempting to cure or prevent disease.

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